Names are important for many reasons, but one reason
that has always given me food for thought is that a
person's name is often the longest surviving
indication that they ever lived.
Our names are recorded in many places. That TV
program "
Who Do You Think You Are?"
demonstrates this. But what comes across very
clearly is that our names survive far longer than
the many facts of who we are. And if little or no
written record about a person's life - who they were
and what they did - remains, all that is left is the
Giving your child a good name is something to
celebrate. Celebrating the gift of a good name with
a naming ceremony is a wonderful way to acknowledge
the person your child is, and will become. Not only
does the ceremony celebrate your child's name, the
way I create naming ceremonies means that you will
have a keepsake copy of the ceremony that provides a
rounded picture of the family your child was born
into, the circumstances of your child's birth, and
the reasons for the choice of the names.
A few facts about Naming
- A Naming (or Name-Giving) Ceremony is not a
legal requirement, nor does it make your child's
name legal. You need to register your child's
birth with Births, Deaths, and Marriages (The
Registry Office) in the state in which your
child was born.
- During the ceremony your child is formally
named, and the reasons you chose those names are
- While a Naming Ceremony is often seen as a
substitute for a Christening or Baptism, there
is no reason why you can't have both. A ceremony
in Church that inducts your child into your
faith and a naming ceremony held elsewhere
(usually the home) to celebrate and welcome your
child into the family and the community of
friends that surrounds them.
- A church christening follows a set liturgy. A
naming ceremony reflects your personal choice,
and I work with you to ensure that everyone
important to you and your child is acknowledged
and that the content of the ceremony and the
promises you make to your child are personal to
- You can include religious references in your
child's naming ceremony if you wish. It does not
have to be an entirely secular ceremony. If you
wish to have a more religious ceremony, we can
create a Dedication Ceremony.
- You can appoint godparents (or call these
supporting adults something else, such as
mentors or guideparents). There are no
restrictions or requirements. So you can
choose whomever you feel is best
suited to be a positive role model, mentor, and
guide. if you want to appoint more than
two, feel free. They can take an active role in
the ceremony, too.
- You can include rituals, such as lighting
candles, fruits of the earth blessing, or
a sand ceremony.
- There are no age restrictions. While most
naming ceremonies are held when the child is
still a baby, or in conjunction with the child's
first birthday celebrations, you can have a
naming ceremony for an older child too.
- If you have older children, I love including
them in the ceremony as well.
- You do not have to be a couple to hold a
naming ceremony for your child.
Special reasons for having
a naming ceremony
Because a naming ceremony celebrates the person and
the gift of a good name, having a formal naming
ceremony to acknowledge and celebrate in particular
circumstances can be very affirming
- to welcome an adopted child into the family
- to celebrate and name a child born after many
years of IVF
- to celebrate and name a "donor" baby
- to recognise a new name and celebrate a life
of integrity for a person who is transitioning
Thanks for reading!